About joining / 入会について

※Additional content may be added in addition to the above.
Complete the “Free Membership Registration” form below to create an account.

After confirming the completion of account creation, you will receive a membership approval email from our office.
You can log in to the site using the login form.
Free membership is only available for free member benefits.
※Please make sure that future notices are not sorted into your spam folder.


Complete payment procedures and registration for paid membership on the “Become a Paid Member” page.

If you have completed the free membership registration and wish to become a paid member, please complete the payment procedure on the appropriate page.
After confirming your payment, you will receive an email from our office approving your membership level upgrade.
You can log in to the site using the login form.
All benefits are available to paid members.



Free Member Registration

Please complete the free registration form below to create an account.
Please read the Membership Agreement before creating an account.

Registration Form / 登録フォーム

  • free membership / 無料会員
  • Admission Rules / 入会規約
    • By completing the “Free Member Registration”, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
    • You are responsible for the management of your ID and password.
    • You may not steal, plagiarize, reprint, or use any of the unique intellectual property of this site or Ice College without permission. Any unauthorized use of videos/texts/materials will result in immediate termination of membership and legal action. Please be careful when quoting content from this site, as it is viewed by many people involved in skating.
    • This site exists thanks to our sensible members. If we judge that you do not have common sense in communication, we may terminate your membership. Please understand that.
    • Paid membership will be automatically renewed after one month from the date of payment. If you wish to cancel your membership, please complete the withdrawal procedure using the Withdrawal form. Please note that if the withdrawal procedure is carried over to the next month, even for one day, the fee for the following month will also be incurred.
    • In the event of non-payment, we will promptly file a claim against you. Please be aware of this.
    • Paid membership contents are available only to members who have paid. If the login monitor records simultaneous login to multiple or different terminals under the same account, we will immediately cancel your membership. Please be careful not to use your account for other fraudulent purposes.
    • If you have any questions about membership or other usage, please contact us using the contact form.

    • 「無料会員登録」を完了された方は、当規約を了承したものとみなします。
    • お客様自身で作成されたID、パスワードの管理責任を負うものとします。
    • 当サイトおよびIce Collegeが発信する固有の知的財産に対する剽窃,盗用,無断転載,無断転用はお止め下さい。無断での動画/テキスト/資料の利用が確認された場合、即時に退会処分の上、法的対処を実施致します。​多くのスケート関係者が閲覧されているサイトですので、内容を引用される場合は十分ご注意下さい。
    • 良識あるメンバーの皆様のおかげで成立しているサイトです。コミュニケーションの中で一般常識がないと当方が判断した場合、退会とさせていただく事がございます。ご了承下さい。
    • 有料会員登録をされた方はお支払日から換算して1ヵ月での自動更新となります。解約される方はご退会フォームより退会手続きをお願いいたします。なお、1日でも退会手続きが翌月に繰り越すと翌月分の料金も発生いたしますのでご注意ください。
    • 不払い等が発生した場合、速やかに請求訴訟手続きを実行します。ご注意下さい。
    • 有料会員コンテンツにつきましては、お支払いされた会員のみご利用いただけます。ログインモニターにより同一アカウントでの複数の端末や異なる端末での同時ログインが記録された場合、即刻退会処分と致します。アカウントの使い回し、その他の不正には十分ご注意ください。
    • 入会やその他ご利用についてご不明な点はお問い合わせフォームよりお問い合わせ下さい。